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Student Gets Beaten By Course Mates For Covering His Booklet In Exam Hall

A male student reportedly refused to allow his colleagues copy from him while they were writing an exam and he suffered terribly for it.

He was beaten up by his coursemates and suffered head injuries because he covered his answer booklet when they were beckoning on him to open it.

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In a video which is circulating online, he could be seen nursing his wounds after they alleged smashed bottles on his head outside the exam hall.

Some guys could be seen trying to stop the blood that was gushing out of his head as a result of the attack. A fellow student who was recording the scene talked about how he was facing the consequences of failing to do the reasonable thing expected of him.

See the clip below:

In another news…

Btlsblog reported that a young Nigerian lady was captured on tape shedding tears of sadness instead of tears of joy at her graduation.

She bagged a first class degree from Rivers state university, but she was sad because she felt she might end up like her brother who remains unemployed despite graduating with distinction as well.

Her sister known as Weleski, shared the touching story and video on her Instagram page as she called for urgent attention to be given to the issue of brilliant minds remaining unemployed due to bad system in Nigeria.

In the clip, the 20-year-old graduate could be seen crying in her graduation gown while her sister was comforting her, saying she need not cry. Weleski revealed that their brother graduated with a first class last year and has been unable to get a job since then.

She wrote; Today is suppose to be a very happy day in my family but I am extremely heartbroken ????. This is my younger sister, a 20 year old girl that have dedicated her entire life and worked soo hard by combining academics and being the back bone of my mother’s mini Resturant business just so we can survive.

I watch this young lady stay up almost all night to study just so she could make good grades like her immediate elder brother who also graduated with a first class Division from the Department of medical laboratory science. Today God has indeed answered our endless prayers and my girl has graduated with a First class Division and a CGPA of 4.80 from the Prestigious RIVERS STATE UNIVERSITY.

We had all vowed to make good grades so that We could free our parents from struggling and get retained by the university as lecturers, but today that dream cannot be seen coming forth ????. Last year, my immediate younger brother who also graduated with a first class degree and was the Best graduating student from his department was promised by the Vice Chancellor of the university Professor Nlerum Sunday Okogbule under the encouragement and support of the Honourable Registrar of Medical laboratory science council of Nigeria (MLSCN) of an instant employment (lecturing job).

This promise and great news brought instant happiness and gave joy and fulfilment to my entire family, we were all happy and believed our dreams had finally come to pass but to our greatest surprise, he was denied the employment.

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