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Panic as sick bank customer dies at the bank after allegedly waiting for a long time (Video)

Sick bank customer dies at the bank after allegedly waiting for a long timePanic as sick bank customer dies at the bank after allegedly waiting for a long time (Video)

A customer who banks with a commercial bank in Port Harcourt has died right in front of the bank after he was allegedly neglected by bank staff.

Eyewitnesses explained that the customer died due to ‘frustration and unfriendly treatment’ by the bank customer service attendants.

An eyewitness at the scene narrated what transpired. According to her, the late man was sick and he was trying to collect money since Friday last week, but they “refused to pay him”.

The eye witness said they asked the man’s son to bring affidavit from court before they can pay him. As they were trying to get it, the man died inside the taxi.



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