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Home / Gossips / Nigeria’s Olympic shotput thrower, Chuks Enekwechi’s sister, reacts after someone dragged her brother for NOT marrying a Nigerian.

Nigeria’s Olympic shotput thrower, Chuks Enekwechi’s sister, reacts after someone dragged her brother for NOT marrying a Nigerian.

Nigeria’s Olympic shotput thrower, Chuks Enekwechi’s sister, reacts after someone dragged her brother for NOT marrying a Nigerian.

Nigerian Shotput finalist at the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, Chukwuebuka Enekwechi’s sister, Agu Nwaanyi Nokwa Ofuma recently dragged Nigerians after a few people attacked her brother for marrying a Caucasian lady instead of a Nigerian lady, preferably from the South East.

The athlete’s sister blew hot after she spotted a comment on a group on Facebook, as regards the choice her brother chose in marriage.

Reacting to the comment, she wrote,

“Nigerians are so dirty lol. I just saw a comment about my brother’s ”white wife”. So he should now, after being with this person who has supported him before he ever won his first medal, leave her and find a nasty, gaptoothed, 250% density wig wearing, sloppy never been pregnant but has a postpartum belly, 100-0, never contributing financially, emotionally, or otherwise, user ass Nigerian woman to celebrate his wins with because of what exactly? God punish you after entitlemet finishes punishing you”

In other news, the shotput thrower representing Nigerian shared what reaching the finals of his sport means to him… in an update on his IG Page, he wrote,

Tomorrow morning I’ll be entering the finals of the Men’s Shot Put at the #tokyo2020 Olympics‼️ Its such a wild thing to say out loud. Those of you who know my story know that 2020 was almost the end of my career. Mentally and physically life just threw far too much for me to handle. I was convinced to try for at least one more season by some key influential figures in my life. Now I’m here. Past the Olympic Qualifying Round and into the main event! I’m thankful and I’m excited that I listened to that advice and stuck it through, because this season has been unforgettable. I’ll be 7th ranked overall going into the comp. Let’s get it!!

About Beta Lens

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