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Man reveals condition ‘baba’ gave him and his best friend to make them rich

Man reveals condition ‘baba’ gave him and his best friend to make them rich - YabaLeftOnline

“Some weeks ago, my best friend since childhood called me on phone and said he knows a place where we can go to make money.
Since we left school, nothing has been working for either of us so I decided to give a try.
I asked him how he found out about the place and he said his former boss told him about it and he knows it is legit. He said his ex boss would take us there if we decide to follow him.” — Man reveals condition ‘baba’ gave him and his best friend to make them rich

A young Nigerian guy recently shared the experience he had with his best friend who took him to a native doctor in a bid to make them rich.

Narrating his encounter, the young man shared how he sprinted after hearing the condition the native doctor had given them to make money.

He narrated,



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“Some weeks ago, my bestfriend since childhood called me on phone and said he knows a place where we can go to make money.

Since we left school, nothing has been working for either of us so I decided to give a try.

I asked him how he found out about the place and he said his former boss told him about it and he knows it is legit. He said his ex boss would take us there if we decide to follow him.

We left at night around 9pm. The journey was really long with so many cuts. Finally we reached. First of all, my bestfriend said it was like a religious kind of place. (That’s what his former boss told him so I don’t really blame him). Turns out it was more like a cult.

I was frightened and I observed that my friend was scared as well. When we reached the place, the oga at the top with his red cloth told us to pull off our shirts and slippers. We obeyed.

My friend’s boss comfortably sat down at one corner while we were already shivering. The oga asked if we really want to make money. Then with fear, we said yes.

The baba looked at us. And said our case is hard. We asked how? He said we are bestfriends. I said how does it matter? Then he dropped the bombshell.

He said we would have to choose between ourselves who needs the money more and who will be the sacrifice between us. That means one would die for the other to make it.



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Immediately he said that, I looked at my friend and I quickly picked up my slippers and ran off as fast as my legs could carry me. I didn’t bother to see if anyone was calling me to come back. But since I got back, I have been having frightening dreams and worse of it all is that I haven’t set my eyes on my bestfriend since then. I am really scared. Should I meet his parents?”

About Beta Lens

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