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I Am Aware of the Pains You’re Going Through – President Tinubu Tells Nigerians

The President however added that the pains are necessary but temporary and the gains would soon be obvious.

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President Bola Ahmed Tinubu has urged Nigerians to be patient with his administration despite the difficulties they might be experiencing currently due to some tough decisions taken by the government.

The President however added that the pains are necessary but temporary and the gains would soon be obvious.

Speaking on Tuesday at the green economy summit in Minna, the capital of Niger state, President Tinubu who was represented by the Minister of State for Agriculture, Sabi Abdullahi said the tough economic policies of his administration would soon start yielding positive results.

He asked for understanding from Nigerians.

Tinubu said he is “aware of all the difficulties occasioned” by some of the tough decisions that have to be taken by his government.

“Give us your understanding and as we make this powerful sacrifice, the gains of our sacrifice are just a short minute or short hours away from us.

“Very soon, we shall begin to reap the benefits of these tough decisions as our economy will bounce back and for us,” Abdullahi said.

On the theme of the summit which is ‘Sustainable future: Harnessing green assets and innovation for Niger state’s prosperity’, the Minister noted that President Tinubu is committed to a green economy.

He said “Permit me to say, to show the President’s commitment to the enthronement of a green economy, just yesterday (Monday) at the federal executive council, a new solid mineral development policy was approved.

“And this policy will definitely align and benefit the green economy that you (Umar Bago, Niger governor) have envisioned for Niger state because the policy is emphasizing removing all forms of illegality that are desecrating and destroying our environment.

“It also intends to ensure a new principle of resource-use efficiency while allowing people who will want to operate legally to do so in the mining sector.”

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