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Home / Gossips / EKSU staff caught on camera using taser to shock a student accused of exam malpractice (Video)

EKSU staff caught on camera using taser to shock a student accused of exam malpractice (Video)

EKSU staff caught on camera using taser to shock a student accused of exam  malpractice (Video) - YabaLeftOnlineEKSU staff caught on camera using taser to shock a student accused of exam malpractice (Video)

A video circulating online shows the moment a student of Ekiti State University (EKSU) was assaulted by some staff of the institution.

According to reports, the student was accused of committing malpractice during an examination at SC Twin Hall, opposite EKSU office.

EKSU staff caught



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In the video, he is seen being restrained by two EKSU staff as they accused him of swallowing the material he took into the exam hall.

However, the student resisted them and maintained that he didn’t do anything wrong.

During the back and forth, two other staff came to the scene and one of them presumed to be a security official, used a taser on the student.

Watch the video secretly filmed by another student of the university below,

In other news, a female soldier has taken to social media to address men who always tell her that she’s too pretty to work as a soldier.

In a video shared online, the soldier was proudly donning her uniform and she said ;



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“Some guys tell me I’m too pretty for the work I do.”

“If there’s anything to be pretty about, it’s to make you believe without you I’m nothing, it’s to be used and dumped by you,”

“You see, your insult, your disappointment, your disrespect is what I’m too pretty for.

“Men, I too fine for rubbish. I am too pretty for rubbish.”

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