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APC needs more than 8 terms in power to improve lives of Nigerians – Buni

APC needs more than 8 terms in power to improve lives of Nigerians – Buni

Chairman of the national caretaker committee of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Mai Mala Buni, says his party’s ambition is to remain in power for eight terms — which amounts to 32 years.

Buni, who is also the Yobe state governor, stated this on Tuesday in Abuja at the inauguration of the strategy committee of the party chaired by governor of Jigawa state, Muhammad Badaru.

The caretaker chairman said the APC would be able to “effectively” improve the lives of Nigerians if it has more than eight terms in office.


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“The constitution of the strategy and contact committee therefore, is to consolidate the achievements we are making in building a strong party with a solid structure that would accomplish APC to stand the test of time,” he said.

Our vision is to provide a wheel that will drive the party to go beyond sixth, seventh and even eighth term of office to effectively implement the party manifesto, improve the lives of Nigerians and, to remain Nigeria’s leading political party.

“This committee is therefore very key to our process of transition towards successful congresses and national convention and, to establish a very solid, reputable and reliable future for the party.”

He noted that the party’s efforts at wooing new members to the party have been successful.

“On the other hand, our efforts in wooing members of other political parties into APC has recorded remarkable and unprecedented successes.

Another major milestone we have recorded as a party is the membership registration and revalidation exercise which has given every member of our party a true sense of belonging.

“The membership registration would provide us with the numerical strength of the party and to serve as a guide towards planning,” he said.

The ruling party has already been in power for six years.

About Beta Lens

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