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Home / Gossips / “You were barely 4 months when you witnessed your mother being beaten like a puppy” — Precious Chikwendu writes emotional note to her son on his birthday

“You were barely 4 months when you witnessed your mother being beaten like a puppy” — Precious Chikwendu writes emotional note to her son on his birthday

You were barely 4 months when you witnessed your mother being beaten like a  puppy” - Precious Chikwendu writes Emotional Note to her son on his Birthday  - Lucipost“You were barely 4 months when you witnessed your mother being beaten like a puppy” — Precious Chikwendu writes emotional note to her son on his birthday

Precious Chikwendu, estranged wife of politician, Femi Fani-Kayode, has written an emotional note to her first son as he turns a new age today, February 1.

Precious Chikwendu writes



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Taking to her Instagram page, the mum of four shared a video slideshow of the moments she shared with her son before she parted ways with his father, FFK, and recounted how he allegedly physically assaulted her when their son was barely 4 months.

In the note addressed to her son, Precious shared a detailed narration of the tragic things she went through when she was still with the politician.

Precious Chikwendu writes

According to her, she would have celebrated her son with a heartwarming message but this time things are different.

Read her lengthy post below,

“Happy birthday Aragorn Mara’mm❤️

My darling son Lotanna.

It is another 1st of February normally on such days I usually start the day with an epistle of how amazing you are and how much of an awesome son you’ve been to me from conception to this very day but it is time it is so different.



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Lotanna my son, these few months I have spent in so much pain wondering how you have been surviving and how you are coping given the situation surrounding you. I feel so sad and ashamed that you have been used as a pawn .
You are that son that gives me peace and calm in the storm, your ability to understand me even in silence still amazes me. I know you are not ignorant of the happenings but can do nothing as you just soak things in and forge on.
Never underestimate the bond between your mother and you the bond that was formed right from when you were in my womb and you witnessed all the punches, you took them with me as you kicked so hard and would only calm down when I whispered and pleaded with you , affirming that you would one day wipe my tears.
It was only at that point you would calm down and stop kicking as if you understood how those punches and harsh words froze my entire heart and soul.

What haven’t we weathered together?
You witnessed so many in my womb and when you arrived this world, you were barely four months old when you witnessed your mother being beaten like a puppy. You were in my arms that night at the wheatbaker hotel after he was released from ikoyi prison, it was all laughter at first then prayers of Thanksgiving and next punches.
You were dragged from my arms like a little bag of cake and I held on so tightly, the look in your eyes was that of so much fear , I looked into your eyes and I could read you clearly it was more of “Never Let Me Go mum” .

Precious Chikwendu writes



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So I held on to you, the more I held on to you the more the punches came . You cried out loudly and my heart shredded the more as the splashes of blood gushing from my nose landed on you. You were so terrified and all I wanted to do was get you out of that scene.

I was able to get off with you and ran to the short stay apartment where chidera and others were before you slept off on my chest after crying for so long.👇🏽👇🏽

As early as 4am jom and kubechi were at the door knocking, with their mom pleading on the phone that I have a rethink and forgive as it would be sad and a scandal if I ended things on this note.

Next was at our enugu hideout, somewhere off independence layout where hidden brother (my cousin ikenna) and I kept him safe from arrest during the efcc hunt era , when he insisted I must come along with him to hide. I couldn’t leave you with anybody so you came along with us. One night he started again shouting and beating me up for stories I could not even place and then I ran with you when the punches got so bad, he and his bodyguards/policemen chased us and they were dragging you from me in the middle of the road late into the night. Thank God for the intervention of those vigilante group they would have taken you from me and that would have been it but I held on so tightly and then the men asked him to let go but get into his house and settle his issues rather than drag a kid at night given that he was a public figure. Next morning hidden brother was there to plead with me to forgive and let go. The countless situations you witnessed at Aso Drive also led to you having some trauma.

You formed the habit of being so attached to me, you followed me everywhere. To the bathroom , kitchen , whenever i made to move you ran after me in fear. You’re so scared of even sleeping as you felt you sleeping would translate to me disappearing when you wake up. Initially I thought it was because of the bond between us but after I was thrown out and I went to Esther’s place because the 7 pastor prophesied that I was Delilah and I was going to shave Samson’s hair I realized it was all a trauma bond. You cried so badly when I was away that your father had you brought to me at Esther’s place by your nannies and the bodyguards . You spent two tonights with me with you clinged to me so much that I felt every pain in your heart.”

See below,

Precious Chikwendu writes

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