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Home / Gossips / Update: Moment body of young actress, Francisca Choji was found floating in Jos dam (video)

Update: Moment body of young actress, Francisca Choji was found floating in Jos dam (video)

Update: Moment body of young actress, Francisca Choji was found floating in Jos dam (video) - YabaLeftOnlineUpdate: Moment body of young actress, Francisca Choji was found floating in Jos dam (video)

A video showing the moment the lifeless body of upcoming actress Francisca Choji was found floating in a dam in Jos has been shared online.

It was earlier reported that Francisca Choji was discovered lifeless in Jos, the Plateau State capital, recently.

The lifeless body of the lady, said to be in her early 20s, was seen dumped at the Rayfield Resort area of Jos South on Sunday night, May 1.

On her Facebook bio, the deceased described herself as a “dancer, model, singer, and actress.”




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While details of her death are still quite foggy, it was, however, gathered that the deceased was a resident of Cabon, Gada Biyu in Plateau State.

The Spokesperson of the Plateau State Police Command, Gabriel Ubah, said there was no obvious indication of foul play.

“She was found floating in that Rayfield Resort. There were no parts removed from her. We are aware and an investigation is ongoing. We cannot ascertain if anybody killed her because there was no sign of violence,” he said.

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In other news, the Ondo state police command has arrested a 39-year-old woman for stabbing her ex-boyfriend in the stomach during a fight.



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It was gathered that the suspect, a food seller in the state identified as Seun Sola, and an estranged lover, had a heated argument over her new lover.

The victim, Lomi Alara Akinbinu, reportedly pounced on the suspect and started beating her after she told him their relationship was over.

The Nigerian Tribune reports that the relationship between the duo turned sour after the single mother of twins started receiving attention from a new lover.

A source in the area told the publication that the victim had visited the suspect’s home at Iyalaje market area in Ondo West Local Government in the early hours of that day, met her twin children and gave them the sum of N500, then left.

The source said the victim returned to the house in the evening only to meet Sola and her new lover. She told him to leave her house as she was no longer interested in him.




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Akinbinu then demanded the return of the N500 he gave to the twins and insisted that he wouldn’t leave without collecting the money.

The suspect said she refunded the money. However, a fight ensued between them and the man was stabbed in the stomach.

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