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Tragedy In Ogun As Suspected Drug Addict Strangles Mother To Death

There was a tragedy in Itanrin Axis of Ijebu Ode, Ogun State as a suspected drug addict strangled his mother to death.

According to reports, the 32-year-old suspect sent his mother, a prophetess, to an early grave in the early hours of Sunday, 16th July, 2023.

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A distress call was made to Ijebu Rewa Organisation about the sad incident that happened overnight after Samson’s younger brother who was on night shift, had gone to work.

According to neighbours, Samson left home for over five years, only for him to return home a month ago.

His mother was said to have made several complaints to neighbours and security operatives about the suspect using hard drugs.

“A neighbour who wants to be anonymous told Ijebu Rewa that Samson rushed to him in the early hours of today (Sunday) saying that the Prophetess (Samson’s Mother) had slumped and died. After the neighbours rushed inside and only for them to realize the mother was strangled to death as evidence of marks were all over her neck and leg, the left hand had broken, there was blood stain mark on Samson’s fingernails. The neighbors held onto him and he started saying he does not know anything and how it happened. It dawns on them that Samson was under the influence of hard drugs to have strangled his own mother to death,” the report says.

“It is indeed a sad day for the people in Itanrin axis of Ijebu-Ode. Samson has been handed over to the Nigeria Police Force and the mother’s corpse has been deposited at the Morgue for further investigation.”

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