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Home / Gossips / Sunday Igboho apprehends alleged soldiers, accuses them of spying on him (Video)

Sunday Igboho apprehends alleged soldiers, accuses them of spying on him (Video)

Sunday Igboho apprehends alleged soldiers, accuses them of spying on him (Video)

Yoruba freedom fighter, Sunday Adeyemo also known as Sunday Igboho has arrested two soldiers and two civilians for allegedly spying on him.

The two soldiers were accused of having been sent by the government to do a ‘survey’ of Sunday Igboho’s Soka residence in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital.

In a video posted on Facebook by Igboho’s spokesperson, Olayiwola Koiki, the soldiers were said to have denied the allegation as they claimed they were on a bike to a different destination when they saw the two civilians fighting and tried to separate them.The four arrested persons were asked to kneel by Igboho’s supporters, who made attempts to assault them.

Igboho, who stopped his people from assaulting the soldiers and the two young men, however, handed them over to the police, who drove them away in their vehicle.



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Speaking on the implication of the alleged soldiers being sent to spy on his boss, Koiki said;

“This indicates that the threat to Chief Sunday Igboho is still very high. What are military men on a bike searching for? We are calling on the Federal Government to tread softly with their military and the civilians they placed around Sunday Igboho’s house”.

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