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”She voluntarily gave me Sex”- Kidnapper who abducted and raped a pregnant married woman says

”She voluntarily gave me Sex”- Kidnapper who abducted and raped a pregnant married woman says

A kidnapper who was arrested for the abduction and rape of a middle-aged woman has claimed she gave him sex voluntarily and didn’t fight him off.

27-year-old Saidu Iliya was paraded at the Niger State Police Command for kidnapping and raping one Rakiya Sani.

According to reports, on March 5, 2020, one Mohammed Sani of the Vunu Fulani Camp Settlement in Lavun reported that some armed men attacked his home and kidnapped his wife.

The kidnappers later demanded N10m ransom but eventually settled for N600,000 after negotiations.

However, Iliya was apprehended on March 8, while attempting to collect the ransom.

The command’s Public Relations Officer, Wasiu Abiodun, said that after being interrogated, the suspect confessed to the crime.

Iliya said: “Since the two of us were in a hidden place, our body mechanism began to change and we had sex; probably she didn’t want to do anything that would provoke me to kill her and she obliged me at that point.

“l did not force her to have sex with me; she voluntarily gave me sex, while I was waiting to collect the ransom.”

“I did not use any protection while making love to her.”

The victim was rescued unhurt.

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