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Ramadan: Cardinal Onaiyekan donates meals to 2000 Muslims (Photos)

Ramadan: Cardinal Onaiyekan donates meals to 2000 Muslims (Photos)

Cardinal John Onaiyekan, the former Archbishop of Abuja, on Thursday shared iftar to almost 2,000 Muslim faithful at the Al-Habibiyah mosque in Guzape, where they had gathered to perform prayers before breaking their Ramadan fast together with Christian visitors.

Iftar is the evening meal with which Muslims end their daily Ramadan fast at sunset.

Onaiyekan, while handing out the platters to the Muslims, said: “We are doing our best to spread an attitude of openness because we believe that God does not want his children to kill each other. He wants us to live in peace. So anything we can do to promote peace, we must do.”

Meanwhile, Chief Imam of Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society, Fuad Adeyemi, said: “People see that the food we eat was given to us by a Christian clergy, a cardinal that everyone knows.

“This is not an underground clergy. It shows that we can really live together, that we can be friends, and that we can live in peace.”

The clergy also prayed for peace in Nigeria which has been hit by a spate of kidnappings targeting schools in recent weeks and attacks on army and civilian targets by Boko Haram.

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