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Principal, two teachers brutalize student for playing chess in class

Principal, two teachers brutalize student for playing chess in classPrincipal, two teachers brutalize student for playing chess in class

A principal and two teachers of a school in Benue State have been accused of brutalising an SS3 student just for playing a game in class.

Austine Zeku Torkuma, a man who claims to be an ex-student of the school posted the news on Facebook.

According to him, one of the teachers fingered in this brutality used to beat them also so bad many years ago while he was in JSS and he is surprised his brutalization has continued!

Another Facebook user, Emmanuel lorbee Jechira gave more details on the matter, saying the boy who is a science student got whipped for playing chess in class while another lesson was going on.

He had reportedly asked for permission to leave since he doesn’t offer Economics, but the teacher told him to stay at the back of the class.

However, to keep himself busy, he then brought out a chess board to play, but the teacher saw him and marched him to the principal’s office which was where the lashing took place.


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Sharing a photo of the boy’s badly bruised body, Austine wrote;

“A priest/principal/staff that superintends over this kind of dehumanization should have nothing to do with administration. This is beyond evil! And for missing classes?

We once had only news of glory coming out from my alma mater, not this…

I’m pained because one of the persons fingered in this beat us like slaves while we were just 11year olds in JSS2 and has continued with manhandling students without any consequences.

This happened in a PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE?

People should be behind bars.”

Emmanuel lorbee also wrote;

”Your SS3 child who offers only pure sciences and is about to write Waec asks to leave during

Economics period. He is asked to stay in the class and sit behind. He obliges and brings out his chessboard to play with the friend at the extreme end of the class.

The teacher drags him to the principal’s office for playing chess in his class and the principal (who is a priest) sends for 6 kopokos and shares it to two other teachers.

All three gang lash him and he comes home looking like this.

What is the most effective way to deal with this?

NB: This happened today at one of the most prestigious secondary school in Nigeria that has clearly lost its Glory. Mount Saint Gabriel’s Makurdi


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