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Home / Gossips / Portable apologizes after Headies Organizers reported him to the police over death threat to co-nominees (Video)

Portable apologizes after Headies Organizers reported him to the police over death threat to co-nominees (Video)

Portable apologizes after Headies Organizers reported him to the police over death threat to co-nominees (Video) - YabaLeftOnlinePortable apologizes after Headies Organizers reported him to the police over death threat to co-nominees (Video)

Nigerian Singer, Habeeb Okikiola has apologized to the organizers of Nigerian Award show – The Headies – for his verbal threat to the co-nominees in his award category.

Shortly after Portable was nominated, he took to his social media page to issue a threat that he’d cause harm to his co-nominees if he ends up not clinching the awards.

This did not go down well with Smooth Promotions Limited, the organizers and they swiftly reported Portable to the Police.




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In a public announcement the organizers shared on social media, The HEADIES wrote in part;

– The Headies condemns such acts and are vehemently opposed to the utterance of any threats on actions that contravene our laws.

– We have notified the Nigerian Police Force of Mr. Okikiola’s actions to fellow nominees of the awards.

The organizers also demanded an immediate retraction of the video from Portable’s social media platforms as well as a written apology to the nominees in the categories he’d threatened

Portable later took to his social media page to share a new video where he apologized to the organizers and explained that he was just trying to stand up for the streets because it’s a rare occurence people like him get that level of occurence.



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Watch him speak below;


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