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Home / Gossips / Police man preaches repentance at a local market (Video)

Police man preaches repentance at a local market (Video)

An officer of the Nigeria police force has been spotted at a local market preaching to sellers and passersby.

In a video circulating online, he rocked his police uniform and used a microphone to pass the message of repentance.

He quoted bible verses and urged people to abandon their old ways and give their lives to Jesus Christ.

Watch the video below;



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See how some Nigerians reacted below..

@RandieD5; This is wrong, you don’t preach in uniform, let us learn to do the right thing in this country, Nigeria is a multi religious country.



@1kenneedudu; If it is okay for policemen in uniform to drink to stupor and misbehave on the streets of this nation. Then I believe this should not be a problem at all.

@TheGodfathee; It’s irresponsibility. Wearing a force uniform to preach, them suppose sack am

@AYEGBOKOREDE; It’s their duty to maintain peace and do everything possible that can bring peace to the society. So, what he was doing was not out of order.

@PastorBOJ; OMG! I love this. Whereas some of his colleagues are using their uniforms to aid illegalities- smuggling- this heaven-bound is using his to persuade people to move to the side of God! Let it spread please so that we will have less of criminals in our midst.

@JideGold2; His colleagues need this sermon than the passerby

@ashadowandhalf; More like “a preacher dressed as policeman preaching on the streers”. Punch you guys know Rev Ben Eragbai, the pastor who’s always preaching in camo. Stop sensationalism. It’s unethical and creates fuel in our already heated polity

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