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Home / Gossips / Pastor who dumped preaching 3 years ago now earns N38 million as a stripper

Pastor who dumped preaching 3 years ago now earns N38 million as a stripper

A former Ohio pastor, Nikole Mitchell who dumped her pastoral life three years ago for a stripping now makes big bucks in the new profession.

Mitchell, a mother of three who describes herself as a “Pastor-turned-Stripper/Life Coach/ Model” on Instagram, now makes $100,000 a month (N38m), soaring above her former saintly salary, according to The Sun.

In a New Year’s Eve post that featured her in skimpy lingerie, Mitchell wrote: ‘‘I just wrapped up another TV segment (thank you Fox26!), and I am just in AWE of all the dreams that have come true this year.”

Among her blessings, Mitchell wrote were “going viral,” “being sought out as a life coach expert on TV,” “being reached out to by celebrities and stars who want to connect and collaborate” and “having producers and bookers reach out to ME! (usually it’s the opposite).”

Accordng to the mum, she achieved all this while “in a pandemic, going through a divorce, and having 3 kiddos at home.”

Mitchell, who adds her “dreams came true,” became disillusioned with Christianity after mentions of her mixed-race heritage and bisexuality were edited out of sermons leading her to quit her church in 2017.

“I didn’t get where I am today by playing small, holding back, or keeping my dreams to myself,” Mitchell wrote. “I put myself out there, I shared my dreams with my inner circle (even when I was embarrassed at how big they were/are!) and invested in support. THAT’S how I got where I am today.”

About Beta Lens

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