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Home / Gossips / Outrage as dictionary defines “Desmond Elliot” as a foolish person

Outrage as dictionary defines “Desmond Elliot” as a foolish person

Outrage as dictionary defines “Desmond Elliot” as a foolish person

Nigerians, especially celebrities have expressed displeasure as regards the ways and manners entertainment fans are dragging Desmond Elliot across social media platforms.

Desmond Elliot, an actor and Lagos State lawmaker, has been a subject of heavy social media attacks following his call for the regulation of social media last year (2020).

Nigerians, during the #EndSARS protest utilized social media to coordinate what remains the largest protest in the history of the country. However, it was tarnished by the activities of some hoodlums that took the opportunity to vandalize and destroy a lot of state owned properties.

Desmond Elliot in his attempt to criticize the destruction, called for the regulation of social media and erroneously referred to protesters as “Children”.

Although he has apologized, Nigerians does not seem to accept his apology and just recently, started a social media troll on his name.

In several posts on social media, Nigerians choose to blame Desmond Elliot for things that does not necessarily concern him.

A tweep blamed Desmond Elliot for the failed/challenged relationship between musician Davido and his fiancée Chioma [laughs].

In a swift turn, Nigerians took the troll to another level by adding Desmond Elliot into an online Dictionary called Urban Dictionary.

According to the Dictionary, “Desmond Elliot” means “A very foolish or stupid person”.

This is believed by many to be going too far. See the images below.

Desmond Elliot Dictionary

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