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Home / Gossips / Nigerians must return to agriculture – Buhari

Nigerians must return to agriculture – Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari has said that his government would continue to urge Nigerians to go back to agriculture.

According to him, it has now become imperative because the oil industry which Nigerians abandoned agriculture for is now in turmoil.

A statement by the President’s Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, entitled, ‘President Buhari: Government will wrestle food inflation in the coming year‘, said Buhari spoke at the fifth meeting of the Presidential Economic Advisory Council at the Presidential Villa in Abuja on Tuesday.

Shehu quoted the President as making the commitment that his administration will keep a keen eye on food inflation in 2021 while giving a directive to the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), not to give any money for food importation.

He said Buhari directed that the CBN “must not give money to import food. Already about seven states are producing all the rice we need. We must eat what we produce.”

Buhari said;

Going back to the land is the way out. We depend on petrol at the expense of agriculture. Now the oil industry is in turmoil. We are being squeezed to produce at 1.5 million barrels a day as against a capacity to produce 2.3 million.

“At the same time, the technical cost of our production per barrel is high, compared to the Middle East production,” the President was quoted as saying,” the president was quoted as saying.

“We are back to the land now. We must not lose the opportunity to make life easier for our people. Imagine what would have happened if we didn’t encourage agriculture and closed the borders. We would have been in trouble”.


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