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Nigerian man recounts ‘humbling experience’ he had with a cab driver

Nigerian man recounts ‘humbling experience’ he had with a cab driver

A Nigerian man has recounted a “humbling experience” he had with a cab driver who was driving one-way.


@alabo_braide said his car’s bumper was ripped off after a collision with the cab. He then decided to seize the cab and asked the driver to pay for the damages.


He said his mechanic came by and after assessing his car, gave a bill of 105,000, and it was in that moment, the cab driver began to cry. Braide said the driver had called someone explaining that he had only made 2,800 that day and couldn’t afford to fix the car.


Braide further revealed that his wife felt sorry for the cab driver and pleaded on his behalf. He said he agreed to give the driver back his car and also gave him all the money he had in his bag, out of the goodness of his heart.


According to Braide, the driver who was very grateful, began crying and couldn’t drive for 10 minutes after getting back into his car.


He tweeted;


So yesterday, I had a humbling experience. Trying to cautiously enter Admiralty Road after sending some items at GIGL. I was unaware a car was driving one-way. The next thing I know, it rips off part of my bumper. The Uber driver who was about to pay for his stupidity.

I wasn’t going to let him go. The usual thing happens – people gather and start assessing a situation that isn’t any of their business. The driver keeps me waiting for about an hour, by then, my wife is at the scene to pick me up and my mechanic on his way to make his assessments and give the erring party their bill. He comes and says it will cost 105k to replace all parts We decide, his car stays in my custody till he gets the money. He drives to my estate and parks the car. I take pics to avoid unnecessary claims and then I see tears.

My wife hears him tell someone in a call how he only managed to make N2600 the whole day. She walks up to him and give him 2k for transportation. On our way up to the apartment, she tells me to give him back his car. I agree, call him back and as I give him back his key, I see the shock and confusion on his face. He burst into tears and tries to dorbale (i didn’t allow him do that). Before I know it, I tear up. Giving him all the money I had in my bag. He couldn’t drive for about 10mins after going into his car.

I remembered the times I was help. Times I was given a pass. Times I didn’t have. Times people had mercy. I pray life get better for everyone of us. Sometimes, having mercy makes no logical sense but let’s listen to humanity’s appeal. BE GOOD.


Nigerian man recounts

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