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Nigerian Lady Appreciates Boyfriend In New Video For Upgrading Her Lifestyle

A Nigerian lady has taken to social media to reveal that her boyfriend upgraded her physical appearance and changed her life.

She shared a video in which she disclosed how she was when they met and what she looks like now that she been enjoying some pampering courtesy of her man.

The young lady felt the need to appreciate him for all he did even though she did not go into details but her transformation was a stunning one.

In the beginning part of the video, she showed a picture of her looking simple with braids and plain clothes, saying that was the girl she gave him.

The latter part captured her glow-up which consists of a fairer complexion, upgrade in dress sense and having the chance to hang out at expensive spots. She explained that the present version of herself is the girl her boyfriend turned her into.

See the post below:

In other news, a Nigerian Twitter user has shared a chilling story about a woman discovering years after marriage that her husband is a spirit.

She said the man died two years before they got married but she did not know and they have three children together.

According to the narrator, Peace Igho, the woman first got pregnant for him when they were still courting.

He bought a land in a new area and built a house for him and his wife, however, neighbours say he does not speak to anyone but his family.

At some point, his wife grew tired of wondering who are his family members and she started demanding answers.

He then gave promised to take her to his village, only for him to disappear when she went to the market to buy stuff.

She returned to see a note from him apologising for his absence and he wrote down his hometown address.

However, when she reached his village and met her husband’s people they said it was impossible she married their son because he is dead.

Peace shared; “Ok! So this woman in my area just discovered that her husband for years is a spirit!! They’ve got 3kids yo!!! Jesus Christ!

She said she got pregnant for him while they were dating. Then they moved to my area. He bought a land and built a house. His neighbors said he doesn’t speak to anyone except his family. And he always walk alone.

So now after 3kids, she started demanding aggressively to see his family. He said they were in the village that he will take her there. He then gave her lots of money to go to the market to buy things they would take home to his family.

When she got back from the market, she met a note he wrote apologizing for his absence and his address in the village. She traveled to the east with the kids, located his house and explained who she was but. They said it wasn’t possible cos he died 2yrs before she gave birth to their first child. And they showed her his grave.”

About Beta Lens

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