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NGA VS ANG: Why The Super Eagles Counterattack Wouldn’t Be Effective In This Match

The Super Eagles of Nigeria began their AFCON 2024 group stage match with a strong lineup that made fan’s believe that Jose Peseiro would adapt a possession style of football or better still, a tiki taka style of play. The Super Eagles first AFCON match which was against Equatorial Guinea ended 1-1, and just as expected, the Super Eagles dominated possession and also recorded the highest number of shots as well as shots on target.

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Looking at the Super Eagles next matches, it is quite obvious that Jose Peseiro was slowly deploying a secret tactics, which was the counter attack playstyle. It took fans a while to realise this until the knockout game against Cameroon which ended 2-0. The Super Eagles with the help of Osimhen effectively executed this tactics to the surprise of Cameroon who would have expected a deeper style of football from the Super Eagles.

The Super Eagles might find it difficult to defeat Angola if they use their counter attack playstyle because:

1. Angola Have Mastered The Tactics Better: Angola who finished first in their group never dominated possession in any group stage match, and still managed to score 6 goals. Angola also recorded a 3-0 victory over Namibia in the Round of 16, despite being dominated in possession.

2. Angola’s Tight Defense: Angola might not have the best defense in the competition, however, they have conceded just three goals in four AFCON matches. The Super Eagles are yet to form a strong attack lineup, hence playing a counter attack playstyle would be useless in this game because it would be harder to break into Angola’s defense.

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