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“My marriage magic” – Nigerian Man Shares Secrets Behind His Successful Marriage

A Nigerian man identified as Kunle, has captured the attention of many by unveiling sharing the secrets to his happy and successful marriage with his wife.

According to Kunle, the key factors contributing to their marital bliss include his wife not identifying as a feminist, their mutual sacrifices, adherence to scriptural principles, and keeping their disagreements private.

In a post on Saturday, December 30, 2023, Kunle outlined the principles that have guided their marriage, emphasizing that their relationship is built on mutual respect and a commitment to scriptural values.

He highlighted the importance of not involving third parties in their occasional conflicts, opting to resolve issues privately and maintain a united front.

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“Our secret is simple; 1. My wife is not a feminist 2. I am not a slave driver 3. We follow scriptural principles in our home 4. We don’t report the seldom friction between us to anyone, we sort it!” Kunle wrote.

He also offered advice to men, cautioning against marrying for superficial reasons such as physical attributes.

“Don’t marry big bumbum or big chest; marry Jesus’ daughter/son,” he said.

Kunle went on to reveal that their marriage is viewed as a ministry, aimed at creating a positive impact on their children, mentees, and friends.

He shared a personal anecdote about his wife making a significant sacrifice by putting her medical career on hold for two years to care for their twin boys, a decision he commended and expressed gratitude for.

“To the feminist having tonic clonic seizures because of the tweet, do what’s best for you! As you can see, I said ‘our.’ There is no place for the method of feminism being practiced in the scripture we follow as our pattern, we love our beautiful cross!” Kunle added.

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