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Home / Entertainment / “Men will always break your heart” – Tiwa Savage Advises Ladies On Being Independent (VIDEO)

“Men will always break your heart” – Tiwa Savage Advises Ladies On Being Independent (VIDEO)

Award-winning Nigerian music star, Tiwa Savage, has advised women on the importance of maintaining their independence and having their own money.

The famous artiste recently underlined the value of a woman’s independence at a concert. Tiwa remarked that since she has her own resources, all she needs is a partner who can match her dynamism.

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She claimed that men will still break women’s hearts in the end, so it is preferable to cry in luxury rather than sob bitterly.

Tiwa Savage made this comment while performing. She said;

“I am not encouraging runs, I am not saying you should go after a man for his money but I’m saying it’s sweet when you also spend your money. Because I have my own money as you can see.

So all I am saying is you need to match my energy because they will still break your heart anyway. So it’s better for you to cry with your Christian Dior-Dior-Dior, your Birkin bag, and your private jet to Dubai”.

Watch her speak below.

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