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Marry someone who comes from a peaceful home, aggression is a learned behavior” – Man advises

Marry someone who comes from a peaceful home, aggression is a learned  behavior" – Man advises - Gatmash - Exclusive Breaking NewsMarry someone who comes from a peaceful home, aggression is a learned behavior” – Man advises

A Nigerian man has taken to Twitter to advise single men and women on why they should consider a person’s family background before marriage.

According to the man identified as @jaysonrogue on the micro-blogging platform, in choosing a partner it’s better to marry someone from a peaceful family.

He noted that the human mind, especially at birth is viewed as having no innate ideas, so humans learn from their environment and experiences. Therefore, someone who is from a hostile family would be a bad choice.

“Marry someone who comes from a peaceful home. Aggression is a learned behavior”, he tweeted.






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A tweep @danyphonia however aired a contrary opinion, “I think aggression is in born traits just as compassion and meekness is also. How we choose to train or develop these traits depends on the society n how we are been trained”. he wrote.

In response @jaysonrogue insisted that humans learn traits as they grow, “There is not one trait born in us. We learn them as we grow. Man is tabula raza on birth”.

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