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Lady reveals how she knew she hasn’t gotten over her ex-boyfriend

Lady reveals how she knew she hasn’t gotten over her ex-boyfriend

A woman’s tweet has gone viral on Twitter after she revealed how she knew she had not gotten over her ex-boyfriend.

@LeannPichardo took to the micro-blogging platform to disclose that she knew she was still stuck up on her ex when she masturbated to the sex tapes he made with the women he cheated on her with.

In the tweet that has garnered over forty thousand reactions, the lady wrote,

“I knew I wasn’t all there when I masturbated to the sex tapes my ex had of him cheating on me.”



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Lady reveals

Netizens have shared different reactions, mostly shock and disbelief, to the tweet, with many saying she should have kept it as a secret, instead of sharing it on a public platform like Twitter.

See some reactions below,

@doncorleann wrote, “This should have stayed in the confession box baby”

@amirawramirror wrote, “some people took “twitter is my diary” way to seriously”

@newkingdt wrote, “I thought I was crazy for going back to a cheater but you over there playing flappy bird under your jeans to the video they made ?!?!?!? STAND UP SISTAH! 🥺”

However, another Twitter user who has a similar experience, grabbed the opportunity to share his experience with his partner after she cheated on him.

@unxandre wrote,

“Ngl, I got cheated on one time and actually got hard thinking about it, kept asking her to tell me how it happened, beat my meat to that shit a couple times even😅 that’s just me though😂💔 that’s when I knew I was actually fucked in the head”

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