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Home / Gossips / I won’t contribute to house rent because it’s a man’s responsibility, says Lady preparing to get married

I won’t contribute to house rent because it’s a man’s responsibility, says Lady preparing to get married

I won’t contribute to house rent because it’s a man’s responsibility, says Lady preparing to get married

A Nigerian lady has revealed that she is having a rethink about her current relationship after her man made a request she doesn’t subscribe to.

According to her, they intend to get married and have been discussing on certain things peculiar to marriage.

She revealed that he told her that at some point in the future when they tie the knot, he may request for financial assistance to take care of rent.

But she was not comfortable with this idea as she believes responsibilities like paying house rent should be handled by the husband.




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Read her story below:

”Good morning,

”Please I just want to know what people think. I’ve been talking with a guy for few days now, we met and decided to have a relationship that’ll hopefully be leading to marriage later this year because that’s what we want.

”I’m a 9-5 worker, we were talking on phone this morning and he advised that I think of business, I said yes I already have that in mind for future when kids come, moreover there’s no enough money now and I don’t really have the time cos of work ,that’s not the issue but the statement he made was that “he doesn’t need to ask me but maybe in future he can ask me to please support with some money for our house rent”, in my mind I’m already having issue with that statement, does it mean he has plans of asking me to contribute for house rent?

”Did he really mean that or I’m I overreacting? I wanted to call him back and clarify but just decided to send this to hear what people think because I can’t be with a man that will be extorting from me as I currently need someone that can support me too, I’m not stingy , I will be doing my own little things but I won’t accept contributing to house rent bill because it’s the man’s responsibility. I want a responsible man that can cater for a family while me a wife supports sometimes or once in a while.

Please share, thanks.”

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