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Home / Latest News / “I joined my mum to sell akara hoping big men would help me with money” – Don Jazzy Recounts

“I joined my mum to sell akara hoping big men would help me with money” – Don Jazzy Recounts

Popular music executive and Mavins record label boss, Michael Collins Ajereh, better known as Don Jazzy has openly talked about his early days starting with his days selling akara, a popular Nigerian snack, in Ajegunle.

Don Jazzy made this disclosure during a recent interview on the ‘zero conditions podcast’

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The Mavins huncho memorably recalled the times he sat with his mother, frying akara and hoping for attention from rich customers driving by in their cars.

In his words;

“I can still see myself sitting there with my mom, watching the big men in their Peugeot 504s and Mercedes 230s come to buy akara.”

He stated that he secretly wished for someone to notice his need and help him out.

“I’d think, maybe this person would just look at me and say, ‘Hey, take this, I know you could use it,” he added.

These experiences left a big mark on Don Jazzy’s journey. He admitted that he finds it hard to believe those who claim they’ve suffered, as he believes many haven’t truly experienced hardship.

Now successful in the music industry, Don Jazzy remains closely tied to his past. He shared that he’s driven to help others due to his own background.

“I’ve reached a point where I can’t meet someone and not offer some help or do something for the community,” he shared.

He emphasized that he feels a responsibility to make a positive impact on everyone he meets.

“It bothers me if I can’t leave a positive mark on people,” he explained.

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