Saturday , June 29 2024
Home / Gossips / I helped someone sell his car for over N2 million, but he gave me only N3,000 – Man laments

I helped someone sell his car for over N2 million, but he gave me only N3,000 – Man laments

I helped someone sell his car for over N2 million, but he gave me only N3,000 – Man laments

A Nigerian man identified on Twitter as Morris Baker, has narrated his encounter with someone who needed to sell of his car.

According to him, the man needed to sell his car and offered a good percentage for an agent, so the young lad reached out to some friends, but none were willing to buy.

This then forced @Morrisbaker_ to put it up for sale online, and In less than six days, he started getting calls and after negotiations Morris was able to sell it.

However, the sad part of the story is that after selling the car for more than N2 million, he expected to get a reasonable percentage but got only N3000 which came as a huge disappointment.



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In his words;

”Some people just know how to ruin Your day. There’s this guy who wanted to sell his car and promised a good percentage if I can get a serious buyer.

I called a few of my guys who are car dealers but I couldn’t get them to purchase it so I decided to put it up for sale on Jiji the following day as I am familiar with the platform. I even used premium services to increase visibility for the car and began to receive calls.

After series of negotiations with some of them, I was able to sell the car for him less in than 6 days to the best bidder and collected the money which I told the buyer to send to my guy’s account since it was his car.

Fast forward to this morning I got a message from Zenith bank, see me jumping with Joy that my share of the money has entered, I didn’t even open the message immediately, I was already planning where I’ll go for lunch today.”

Finally decided to open and can You believe this guy sent me N3,000 “for recharge card” as my cut from a car I sold over N2m ?? Why on earth are people like this ???”

View his Twitter post below:

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