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Home / Entertainment / I Cried When They Gave Me Prison Uniform – Tems Recounts Jail Term In Uganda (VIDEO)

I Cried When They Gave Me Prison Uniform – Tems Recounts Jail Term In Uganda (VIDEO)

Nigerian music star, Tems recently shared her distressing experience during her incarceration in Uganda.

She was arrested on December 12, 2020, alongside Omah Lay, for violating COVID-19 restrictions after performing at the Big Brunch.

In an interview with Angie Martinez, Tems described how she initially thought her arrest was a joke.

However, when she arrived at the prison and was handed a uniform, the seriousness of the situation hit her, and she cried. She spent two days in a cramped and unpleasant prison, uncertain of her release.

Tems also highlighted the unjust imprisonment of women for minor offenses and the involvement of corrupt guards in Uganda.

She was given a uniform and denied access to phone calls, despite not having been convicted of any crime.

This suggests that the Ugandan authorities treated her as a criminal, even though she was presumed innocent.

She described cramped and unpleasant cells, and inmates who were unable to make phone calls without money.

This suggests that the Ugandan prison system is not adequately meeting the basic needs of its inmates.

Most troubling of all, Tems alleged that there are corrupt guards working in Ugandan prisons. This suggests that the prison system is not being properly managed and that inmates are not being treated fairly.

Watch the video below;

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