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How I almost landed in trouble in France over fake Euros notes sold to me by a Nigerian bank — Actress Ejine Okoroafor.

How I almost landed in trouble in France over fake Euros notes sold to me by a Nigerian bank — Actress Ejine Okoroafor.

Actress Ejine Okoroafor has taken to her social media page to narrate how she was almost arrested in Paris for using ”fake Euro notes” she allegedly got from a Nigerian bank.

According to the Ejine, she got to know the notes were fake after trying to purchase some items in a mall on Thursday September 16. She added that when she took the money to a bank, the cash machine seized the €2000 that was rightfully placed and rejected the last squeezed €500, with a receipt that the money is fake.

Read what she shared below ;

Thursday, the 16th of September, I was ashamed being a Nigerian. At a mall here in Paris,I went to purchase some items and I was told the Euro notes I had were fake. I bought the money from a well known bank in Nigeria (PTA).

I took it to bank, A cash machine seized the €2000 that was rightfully placed and rejected the last squeezed €500. With a receipt that the money is fake.(because I was advised to pay the money into an account and withdraw in smaller denominations that they hardly spend 500euro)I asked my friend, who lives here to help me with the transaction. So We took d surviving €500 to MoneyGram to confirm its authenticity and we almost got into trouble,dey wanted to call the Police on us.

We eventually had to visit the Police station for her to report,to avoid her account from getting blocked or being negatively affected by this situation.meanwhile I called the bank manager when the atm seized the money, to let him know what had happened ,he said ‘I should have called him when they told me at the mall,I won’t have gone to the bank’. I should return the money.Apparently, he said they had been told to stop issuing that cash and I was never alerted.

The alert would have helped me to be cautious.
Dear Nigerians, avoid the big denominations for now, if you need to collect via PTA system to travel.
It is a real big shame.
Thank You.

About Beta Lens

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