The legal adviser to the union, Magama Saleh, said the government must do the needful to avert cutting down of food supply across the country.

“This is an emergency meeting in regards to what is happening to our members in the South-East and South-South. This is also to brief our members nationwide on the aftermath of the three-month strike.

“Today’s resolution is that we are declaring support to the various unions under the umbrella of the amalgamated union.

“The onion association embarked on a strike last night and only to the south. And as a national union, we have discussed extensively and have resolved to support them on their industrial action.

“We have written a reminder letter to the federal government through the ministry concerned and security agencies reminding them of their previous promises to the union.

“They are yet to do anything concerning it. If nothing is done within three weeks, we may be forced to sit

and have another resolution,” he said.