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Envious wife cuts dozing husband’s penis after contention over cheating doubts.

Envious wife cuts dozing husband’s penis after contention over cheating doubts.

A woman who attempted to cut off her husband’s penis while he was asleep earlier this month has been sentenced to three years in prison.


The court heard how Jimmy Ngulube, from Kapiri Mposhi in Zambia, woke up at midnight on August 4 with a sharp pain in his groin.

He saw his wife Given Chilufya standing over him with a bloody knife and threatening to kill him.


Before they went to bed, Chilufya, 37, had accused her husband of cheating on her and this led to a blazing row. She had then woken up in the night and decided to take her revenge.

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Jimmy, 43, called his brother who took him to the hospital where doctors managed to repair the worst of the damage.


Local police were also notified and Chilufya was taken into custody.


Yesterday, August 26, in court, Kapiri Mposhi Resident Magistrate Arnold Kasongamulilo sentenced Chilufya to three years behind bars for unlawfully wounding her husband.


Chilufya begged the court for leniency, but the magistrate maintained that by attacking and wounding her husband as she did, she had shown clear intent to kill him.

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