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Home / Gossips / “Doctor told me to drink my husband, Travis Barker’s semen 4 times a week” – Kourtney Kardashian speaks on fertility struggles

“Doctor told me to drink my husband, Travis Barker’s semen 4 times a week” – Kourtney Kardashian speaks on fertility struggles

"Doctor told me to drink my husband, Travis Barker's semen 4 times a week" – Kourtney Kardashian speaks on fertility struggles - YabaLeftOnline“Doctor told me to drink my husband, Travis Barker’s semen 4 times a week” – Kourtney Kardashian speaks on fertility struggles

Reality TV star, Kourtney Kardashian has revealed that her doctor recommended she drinks her husband’s sperm to increase her fertility.

This is coming days after she got married to her husband, Travis Barker, in three different locations.

The couple have been documenting their fertility journey on Hulu’s “The Kardashians”, and Kourtney, a 43-year-old mother of three, disclosed that her fertility doctor advised her to ingest Barker’s sperm 4 times a week.

Speaking with her Ayurvedic cleans expert, Kourtney said, “But he said something he told us to, well he told me that the thing that would help [my thyroid] was drinking his c-m like 4 times a week”



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 Kourtney Kardashian speaks

In response, Barker, who was present in the room, bragged about having “grade-A sperm” and stated that he loves the doctor already.

Well, the celebrity couple have been struggling to conceive and have tried different fertility procedures including an extensive cleanse, vaginal steam, oil hair massage, and a pressure-point massage.

They recently tried an egg retrieval procedure but it failed.



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“Our last egg retrieval was not successful, so our new thing that we’re going to be trying is a Panchakarma cleanse, which is Ayurvedic [alternate medicine], it’s like 3,000 years old, which will get all of the toxins that are deep within our tissue out of our bodies to have better quality eggs.

“I did this cleanse 10 years ago, I kept telling Travis about this and it’s the one thing we haven’t tried that he’s heard me talk about,” Kourtney said.

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