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Home / Gossips / Angry mob descends on suspected kidnapper in Abeokuta after ‘victim’ recognized him (video)

Angry mob descends on suspected kidnapper in Abeokuta after ‘victim’ recognized him (video)

Angry mob descends on suspected kidnapper in Abeokuta after 'victim' recognised him (video) - YabaLeftOnlineAngry mob descends on suspected kidnapper in Abeokuta after ‘victim’ recognized him (video)

An angry mob attacked a suspected kidnapper in Idi-Ori, Abeokuta North LGA of Ogun State, when one of his purported victims recognised him.

The young guy was reportedly wandering around the neighbourhood on Monday, April 18, when someone claiming to be his victim saw him and said that he had paid ransom to the suspect and others.



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According to a witness who identified herself simply as Olubukola, the youths descended on the suspect and beat him to pulp.

“They tied his hands and legs. They beat him and gave him a bloody nose. He would have been lynched if not for the arrival of the police. At first, the youths did not want to release him to the police. They said they didn’t trust the police. Their fear was that he might be released on bail. They insisted that they’re very sure he was a kidnapper.” The witness told DailyTrust.

Spokesperson of the state police command, Abimbola Oyeyemi, who confirmed the incident on Tuesday, said the man remained a suspect as investigation was ongoing.

Abimbola Oyeyemi, on the other hand, criticized the lynching attempt, claiming that the law did not allow for jungle justice.




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