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Home / Gossips / He will still cheat” – Reactions as groom breaks down in tears at his traditional wedding (video)

He will still cheat” – Reactions as groom breaks down in tears at his traditional wedding (video)

"He will still cheat" – Reactions as groom breaks down in tears at his traditional wedding (video) - YabaLeftOnlineHe will still cheat” – Reactions as groom breaks down in tears at his traditional wedding (video)

Mixed reactions have trailed a video of a groom crying profusely at his traditional wedding ceremony that held recently.

In the trending video, the groom is seen hugging his wife tightly as he broke down in tears to let out his emotions.

His beautiful bride held onto him and beckoned on someone to bring tissue for him to wipe the tears off his face.

The video which a lot of people would consider adorable, has however sparked different reactions on social media.

Some netizens stated that his public display of emotions won’t deter him from cheating on his wife, while some people wondered why he was crying so much at his wedding, instead of being a “man”.




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Watch the video below,

See some reactions below,



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In other news, last week, there was a major discussion on micro-blogging platform Twitter and it involved the issue of people having ‘bestie’ relationships with other the opposite gender.
According to most opinions found on Twitter, a bestie relationship will most likely end up becoming an amorous relationship so the act of keeping another bestie (of the opposite sex) while in a relationship was greatly frowned up.

In light of the discussion, Popular Twitter User, Chemical Brother shared his own experience with a female who called him ‘immature’ because he opened up that he won’t be comfortable with her having a male bestie.

In his words;

Told this girl I felt uncomfortable about her having a male best friend and I don’t want to come in between their friendship because they’ve known themselves. She called me immature 😂, it was 2018 when this happened and they’ve been dating for 2 years now 😂



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Talmbout “the love I didn’t see was right there in front of me” 😂😂😭😂😂. So if I was mature that’s how bestie would’ve knack and collected my babe? Mind you, this guy used to do EVERYTHING with her 😂
It actually pays to be immature sometimes 😂

About Beta Lens

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