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Home / Gossips / Use the money you spend on calls to gossip and buy deodorant, you stink – Frederick Leonard blasts actress

Use the money you spend on calls to gossip and buy deodorant, you stink – Frederick Leonard blasts actress

Go and buy deodorant, when you sweat, you stink – Frederick Leonard |  Suresource24Use the money you spend on calls to gossip and buy deodorant, you stink – Frederick Leona

Fine Boy Nollywood actor Frederick Leonard has called out his female colleagues for stinking.

The movie star who obviously couldn’t stand the offensive smell of the actress (whose name he didn’t mention) during movie shoot.

On that note, Frederick Leonard took to his verified Instagram page to call her out respectively and told her to make better use of the money she spends in data for gossiping.

“Not using Deodorant or body spray should be an offense punishable by law. Use deodorants! Especially if your work is tedious and involves a lot of body movement. You can sweat and when you sweat, you stink. It is not expensive. No matter how low you earn, you can afford it. Use the money you spend on calls to gossip, and buy data to visit gossip blogs on social media to freshen up yourself and smell good.
So you don’t kill your colleagues and coworkers. Thank you.”




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After the post, some of his colleagues attested to his claims, while some laughed over it.

Recall that Frederick Leonard had questioned the essence of PVC (Permanent Voters Card) ahead of the much anticipated 2023 general elections in Nigeria.

The Anambra State born thespian via his Twitter handle warned anyone who wants to preach to him about getting PVC again to desist from doing so.

Frederick Leonard questioned the need to get another PVC when some people already got theirs some years ago.

He wrote: “Did I Just Hear Get Your PVC AGAIN? Please What happened to the Ones we Got 7 Yrs ago And Very recently..3 Years Ago?
Chai. My Darling Naija. May We Open Our Eyes, Mind & Sense to See What the Problem is, And Call it what it is.. Pls No Brainwashed Person Should preach PVC to Me!”

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