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Take your kids for deliverance” – BBNaija star, Khloe advises parents (video)

Take your kids for deliverance" – BBNaija star, Khloe advises parents (video)  - The Dabigal BlogTake your kids for deliverance” – BBNaija star, Khloe advises parents (video)

Big Brother Naija star, Oluwabusayo Abiri, popularly known as Khloe

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, has advised parents to take their kids for special prayers or deliverance.

The reality star gave this suggestion in reaction to recent happenings in the country, especially the tragic death of some school children and Sylvester Oromoni, who was bullied in school.




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Khloe noted that the devil is on a rampage, hence parents with kids between ages 0 to 18 should be prayerful and take them for deliverance.

“with these things going on in Nigeria, kids maltreating kids, kids bullying kids, if you have a child from ages 0 to 18, everybody should just take their kids for cross over night, special prayers or deliverance if needed,” she said.

Watch video below,

In other news, Khloe is furious over a belief she has that being Nigerian is not only a curse when in the country but when outside the country as well.




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The model and fashion line owner, with full name, Abiri Oluwabusayo Khloe, is one to travel quite frequently and she ensures to update her followers each time she’s out of the country to flaunt her exotic lifestyle.

It’s quite probable that she’s had some frustrating experiences during soem of her travels which led her to the conclusion that being a national of Nigeria is a curse, both home and abroad.

Fuming on her SnapChat, she says she’s looking to change the narrative… She wrote, “being a nigerian is a curse home and abroad …. i have to change that”.

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