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Stop preaching prosperity without hardwork – Peter Obi to Christian leaders

Former Anambra State Governor Peter Obi has urged Christian leaders to resist the temptation of preaching “prosperity gospel devoid of hard work”.

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) stalwart noted that the trend had gradually turned the country into a society without values, honesty, hard work and integrity.

He advised the Christian leaders to spread the gospel that promotes good values in the society.

Obi spoke at All Saints Cathedral, Onitsha, Anambra State, at the opening ceremony of the Standing Committee meeting of Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion.

The event had about 1,000 delegates, including the Primate, Archbishops, Bishops, Chancellors and Lay delegates, from across the country.

Obi said: “We have gradually turned to a religious economy, rather than productive economy. Go to different churches today, you hear things like ‘receive your car keys’ You then see people who should be more concerned about contributing to a more productive economy falling for such distractions.

“Let the Church rise up and spread the true gospel of hard work, diligence and honesty.”

The former governor urged everyone to continue to preach hard work and discipline for societal growth and development.

Primate of Church of Nigeria, Anglican Communion, Most Rev Henry Chukwudum Ndukuba, announced that the Church aimed at raising N5 billion for Mission Trust Fund spanning five years.

Obi stressed that the Church could find some affluent Christians to support its missionary work.

The former governor said the Church only needed 500 donors to give 10 million each to hit the N5 billion target.

Announcing his donation, he said: “I will support the missionary work here with N10 million. And let me announce that I have about 10 people who are willing to also support the Church with N10 million each.

“So, right now, we only need extra 489 people who can donate N10 million to help us hit the N5 billion target.”

About Beta Lens

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