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Home / Gossips / Pilot who has been flying for 8 years charged to court for flying with fake certificate

Pilot who has been flying for 8 years charged to court for flying with fake certificate

A Kenyan pilot, Ahmad Nassir Dirie Olow, has been charged with forging a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate to gain admission into an aviation school.

Olow, who has been flying for eight years, was alleged to have made the fake certificate to indicate he scored a B plus in the 2007 national aviation examination.

A police report released on Thursday, January 28, said the suspect presented the certificate to Lt. Col. Amin Ali, the head of training at Ninety Nines Flying School which is based at Wilson Airport, on July 30, 2011.

It was gathered that the pilot also presented the fake document to Sergeant Cyrus Ikade on January 6, 2021, at the Anti-Terrorist Police Unit headquarters at Upper Hill, Nairobi.



Appearing before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku on Tuesday, January 26, he denied the charges and was released on KSh 50,000 (N172,000) bail.

The hearing of the case has been adjourned to February.

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