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‘Place travel ban on Trump and his key allies” – MURIC tells President Buhari

MURIC tells Federal Government To Place Travel Ban On President Trump

Members of the Muslim Rights Concern MURIC have called on President Buhari to place a travel ban on outgoing US President, Donald Trump, over last Wednesday, January 6 invasion of the Capitol Hill by Trump’s supporters.


In a statement by its director, Prof. Ishaq Akintola, titled ‘Place travel ban on Trump, cronies – MURIC’, the group asked President Buhari to sanction Trump’s key allies for their ”ignoble roles in the US 2020 presidential elections particularly the storming of the Capitol”.


The statement in part reads

“We strongly denounce the role played by President Donald Trump in the last US general elections. Trump’s refusal to acknowledge defeat shows acute desertification of the spirit of sportsmanship.

“His insistence on electoral fraud despite several court declarations to the contrary is a manifestation of selfishness, overambition, and inordinate lust for power. Above all, his incitement which led to the storming of the Capitol is despicable, repulsive and preposterous. Trump has stained America’s reputation as a great democracy.


MURIC calls on the Federal Government to speak up on the American debacle. America’s condemnation of African and other third world countries has been deafening enough to attract a tornado of backlashes at this moment.

We are not happy that FG has remained silent. China, Turkey, and Iran have spoken up. The voice of Africa must also be heard and the continent is looking unto Nigeria to lead the way.

We must tell America to its face that tyranny is colour blind and dictators can emerge from the least expected places on earth. There is no country which is occupied by angels only, least of all America.

We call on FG to place travel ban on outgoing President Donald Trump and his key allies. It is hoped that other African countries will key into the idea. It just has to be on record that once upon a time, America produced a tyrant, a bully, and an insurrectionist.”


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